Nepal Earthquake

OpenStreetMap response to the April 25 Earthquake in Nepal

var options = {
	name: 'overviewmap',
	height: '330px',
	width: '500px',
	containerStyle: 'float: left;',
	popupStyle: 'basic',
	popupData: 'description',
	zoom: '6',
	data: {
    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "description": "Epicenter of 7.8 Magnitude Earthquake on April 25"
       "geometry": {
         "type": "Point",
         "coordinates": [

On April 25th, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake stuck Nepal approximately 50 miles northwest of Kathmandu. With the coordination of Kathmandu Living Labs and the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, a global volunteer effort to map roads and buildings in the affected area is under way. OpenStreetMap data is being used by the American Red Cross, the World Bank, and other organizations to support response and recovery activities in Nepal.

Read more:

This site provides basic statistics describing the work of OSM volunteers in the response to this disaster. The data is based on hashtags used in changset comments and therefore undercounts the total amount of contributions occurring at this time.

This site is no longer tracking live editing statistics. We thank you for all the hard work done in this unprecedented response effort.

var baseurl = '/data/www/nepal-live/'
var date = new Date()
var current_hour = date.getFullYear()+"_"+(date.getMonth()+1)+"_"+date.getDate()+"_"+date.getHours()
var baseurl_live = baseurl + '/' + current_hour
var months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]
var prettyDate = months[date.getMonth()] + " " + date.getDate() + " " +date.getHours() + ":00"

var total_mappers = _.values(osmdata(baseurl + 'json/total_user_count.json'))[0]
// var experienced_mappers = _.values(osmdata(baseurl + 'json/experienced_user_count.json'))[0]
var new_mappers = _.values(osmdata(baseurl + 'json/new_user_count.json'))[0]

var options = {
	chartType: 'linegraph_simple', width:1200, id: 'PerHour'
var changesets = osmdata(baseurl+'json/changesets_x_hour.json')
var hourly_changesets = []
var totalChangesets = 0
var hourlyUsers = []
var cumulativeUsers = []
var cumulativeUserIds = []
for (var i=0; i < changesets.length; i ++) {
	if (new Date(changesets[i].start_date) > new Date('2015-04-25 14:00:00 +0000') && new Date(changesets[i].start_date) < (new Date(2015,4,13)).getTime()) {
		hourly_changesets[i] = {}
		hourly_changesets[i].date = changesets[i].start_date
		hourly_changesets[i].value = changesets[i].objects.length
		totalChangesets += changesets[i].objects.length

		uniqueUsers = _.uniq(_.collect(changesets[i].objects, 'uid'))

		hourlyUsers[i] = {}
		hourlyUsers[i].date = changesets[i].start_date
		hourlyUsers[i].value = uniqueUsers.length

var toPlot = [
			  {id: 'cSets',    title: "Changesets",   data: _.compact(hourly_changesets)},
			  {id: 'actUsers', title: "Active Users", data: _.compact(hourlyUsers)}

User Contributions

In the month following the earthquake, over 5,055 mappers made more than 111,683 edits to the map. At least 3,544 of these mappers were new to OpenStreetMap.

Changesets Per Hour

//Another comment


var baseurl = '/data/www/nepal/'
var options = {headers: ["Tag", "Count"]}

// Highways
var highways_per_tag = osmdata(baseurl + 'json/number_of_highways_per_tag.json')
var totalHighways = 0
var highwayTable = []
var options = {headers:['Tag', 'Count']}
	highwayTable.push([d.tag, d.count])
	totalHighways = totalHighways + d.count

// Buildings
var buildings_per_tag = osmdata(baseurl + 'json/number_of_buildings_per_tag.json')
var buildingsTable = []
var buildingCount = 0
var options = {headers:['Tag', 'Count']}
	buildingsTable.push([d.tag, d.count])
	buildingCount = buildingCount + d.count

// Changesets
var changesets_per_tag = osmdata(baseurl + 'json/number_of_changesets_per_tag.json')
var changesetTable = []
var changesetCount = 0
var options = {headers:['Tag', 'Count']}
	changesetTable.push([d.tag, d.count])
	changesetCount = changesetCount + d.count

// Ways
var ways_per_tag = osmdata(baseurl + 'json/number_of_ways_per_tag.json')
var wayTable = []
var wayCount = 0
var options = {headers:['Tag', 'Count']}
	wayTable.push([d.tag, d.count])
	wayCount = wayCount + d.count

//#Latest Contribution Activity
//##Since the top of the hour: {{ prettyDate }} UTC

//var experienced_mappers = _.values(osmdata(baseurl_live + '/json/experienced_user_count.json'))[0]
//var new_mappers = _.values(osmdata(baseurl_live + '/json/new_user_count.json'))[0]

//New Mappers: {{ new_mappers }} | Experienced Mappers: {{ experienced_mappers }}

//var userList = osmdata(baseurl_live+ '/json/user_list.json')
//var userTable = []
//var ops = {headers:["User","Node Count", "Way Count", "Changeset Count"], row_function:'showUserEditsFromRows'}

//	userTable.push([user.user, user.nodes, user.ways, user.changesets])

{{ osmviz.table('full', userTable, ops) }}
{{'user_contributions', {name: "UserContributions", height: 550, width: 700, path: '/nepal-live/'+current_hour}) }}

Initial HOT Task Tag Counts

These impressive numbers represent just the initial HOT tasks created for the response.

//where I had to add a comment



Total: 29798



Total: 243500



Total: 295519

Total Changesets


Total: 30688